Behind every scary movie, TV thriller, and haunted house is a talented special effects makeup artist. This career path requires an endless supply of creativity, flexibility, and adaptability, and it can be difficult to determine where to start. An artist’s success is largely dependent on networking, experience, and of course, passion! Below are four essential steps to becoming a special effects makeup artist!
Enroll in a Special Effects Makeup Program
Licensing requirements vary from state to state, but most successful artists obtain their certification in makeup artistry. They also take specialized courses that pertain to their desired career paths. Enrolling in a makeup academy allows aspiring artists to learn more about the industry, develop and fine-tune their skills, and build a portfolio of their work. The majority of employers seek artists who have completed an educational makeup program or taken several specialized courses in special effects. Attending a makeup academy offers you a jumpstart on your career!
Build a Versatile Makeup Kit
Most employers, producers, and filmmakers expect their makeup artists to come equipped with well-stocked makeup kits and equipment. Your special effects kit should include materials such as liquid latex, prosthetics, fake blood, and more. It’s important to stock up on the basics, such as tissues, brushes, and wipes as well. You should adhere to proper safety practices when handling certain products and chemicals, and keep your kit stocked and organized at all times. Always be prepared to unpack, revamp, and reassemble your kits to suit different clients and jobs!
Gain Hands-On Experience
Opportunities for special effects artists are everywhere! At the beginning of your career, you might find yourself working on sets of short films, local theatres, conventions, and online videos. Sometimes, medical schools hire special effects artists to create fake wounds for training doctors’ emergency room education! Many artists start their careers working as an intern or assistant, both of which provide fantastic networking opportunities, as well as a chance to showcase their talents.
Cultivate a Unique Portfolio
Your portfolio should be a diverse compilation of your capabilities as a special effects artist. An original portfolio that includes a combination of both basic and advanced projects will showcase your versatility. Be sure to prioritize variety in your portfolio, as potential employers and clients seek well-rounded and adaptable artists. Your portfolio will be an eternal work-in-progress‒you’ll be adding, subtracting, and revamping its contents as you dive deeper into your career. Nowadays, it’s crucial that aspiring artists maintain an active social media presence. This includes posting your best work, a variety of tutorials, and even vlogs on Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok. These platforms provide excellent opportunities for networking, collaborating, and widening your audience.
Ready to take your SFX skills to the next level? Click here to download our SFX Makeup Checklist today!
